82nd Entry Reunion 2025
Caley Hall Hotel
Old Hunstanton Road
Old Hunstanton
PE36 6HH
01485 533486
The dates for the next reunion are Tuesday 13 th & Wednesday 14 th May 2025. Tuesday night 13 th May will be hot buffet night. (Mains, Desserts, teas or coffee). All rooms will include evening meal and breakfast. Single Room will be £180.00. Double / Twin Room will be £220.o0. Wednesday 14 th May will be Gala meal evening (including a pre ordered 3 course menu). Single Room will be £185.00 Double / Twin Room will be £230.00 So the two nights together will be. Single Room £365.00. Double / Twin Room £450.00. If numbers are similar to this year, we will be in the Barn Restaurant as this year. Additional nights on a bed & breakfast package basis are …. Single Room £170.00 (B/B). Double / Twin Room £185.00. (B/B). Please keep Mike Pond up to speed when you make a booking. oooOOOooo Here we have the menus for this years reunion. Please make your choices and let Mike know a.s.a.p. Tuesday 13th May Buffet Night. Mains Thai Green Chicken Curry / Beef Stroganoff / Fish Pie Sides Sticky Jasmine Rice / Creamed Mash Potatoes / Seasonal Greens Dessert Buffet Bar Tea, coffee, mints. Wednesday MAY 14th 2025 82nd Entry Reunion GALA DINNER. Starters Tomato & Basil Soup (whipped butter, granary knot) Smoked Mackerel Pate (lemon & olive oil crostini, micro herbs) Smoked Duck Breast (red chicory, orange, hoisin, red vein sorrel) Mains Pan fried Stone Bass(Confit potatoes, spinach, roast courgette, fennel, mussel sauce) Traditional Roast Sirloin( roast potatoes, seasonal greens, Yorkshire pudding, carrot puree) Spring Pea Risotto( feta, toasted almonds, mint) Dessert Traditional Creme brulee( shortbread, berries) Strawberry Eton Mess Salt Caramel Tart( Blueberry and lemon compote, vanilla ice cream) Tea, coffee, mints. oooOOOooo
As of this year, no deposits are required. I will follow up in early 2025 with the menu choices.
So, it's over to you to make your personal reservations directly with the hotel and to inform me accordingly. See you there!!